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Chapter 260 son, Lao Tze came!
The ghost devil king's knoll similar huge body, suspend at east Feng sky in the sky, cover all of the moonlights, the his ice cold heartless Mou son overlooks an underneath, vision on the poisonous body of the origin flicker uncertain.
Come from a public idea to anticipate, that ghost devil king stared at poisonous origin to see very in a short while, Zhang Kou Dao:
"You I am the same as this world the existent species not, why want to help this kind of will be eliminated of inferior race?As long as you I cooperate, this world creations all be the Jiu controled by our Gao Deng's species, why the need for beg to live under the inferior race breath?"
This words are a , private in the sky of all eastern sky of Fengs, one Hua however, it is marvelous to hope to only have the poison of palm all of the big origins all.
What background is this guy ?Wreak havoc everywhere and almost no man can block of ghost devil king, why want to say this kind of words to him?
The Ji vast sky is also foolish to live, foolishly hoped to have 89 poison of alike origin of dividings and start worrying in the heart that this small guy will can't listen to and believe the ghost devil king's Chan speech with oneself's looks, if even he wants with he for the enemy, this fights, don't beat already know result.
Seeing from some aspect, is the poison of the origin of the source head of ten thousand poisons, cut off an as many as ghost devil king to the threat of east private from Feng God in sky!The huge poison has no shadow invisible, if he thinks east the sky private of Feng in the sky plays dead and probably still want than the devil king of ghost convenience fast, probably he as long as at east Feng in the sky turns one Ling, east Feng in the sky then will no man can escape by luck, whole be poisonned to death by him.
A ghost is evil from the sky but declines, poison to death toward the origin in succession.
Shout!Poisonous eyes of origin an inclined, lightly vomit a muddy spirit, that muddy spirit fiercely proliferation open and hand to shake a straight up sky.
First rush at origin of poisonously and tenth, the ghost of is evil, touched by that muddy spirit, unexpectedly became one every drop liquid, body the strange Gui ground be fused, keep to fall toward the eastern sky of Feng drop of underneath.
"Move out of the way!Quickly move out of the way!Never be arrived by those!"Ji vast sky once the facial expression change, right away surprised exhale a voice.
Scatter to open of private in the sky of eastern sky of Feng, smell speech heart in a panic, quickly toward Ji vast sky this place come together.
Chi Chi!Chi Chi!Those ghost evil liquid after fusing, the drop falls at east the Yao Feng rock ground up, unexpectedly wear deeply adamant rock, at rock up drill a the circle of the thumb size bore, the Ling wisp light light smoke emitted to divert from it.
Private in the sky of the the east Fengs in the sky being obedient to move out of the way just saw those bore is one eye and would was a face shockingly, whole body cold sweat direct current.
Very fierce sour poison!Unexpectedly even the iron and stones can decay!The public heart palpitates is matchless, a Lei wears a nose and sees all fear to the look in the eyeses of those light smokes.
Shout!Shout!Ji vast sky and easily bend to wait person's two hands fiercely demagogy, make to go to battle a rush of fierce breeze, blow those light smokes that fill the air to come over to sky.
"Ji young master, he ……what is he ?"Easily bend foolish holy land to looking at poisonous origin, big Zhang Zhu" that ……hereafter sometimes then explain with you."The Ji vast sky concentrates on ground to looking at the poison of origin, freely should 1.
Chen Hong Ji who has already got into the room in the easy house, difference simply gleaming tightly looking at the poison of origin in the eyes, heart way 《no wonder that he can space that Jian bone to fuse absorption, this kind of strength, absolutely appalling!"Kill!Killed him for me!"The ghost devil king sits upright on the black bank of clouds, harsh voice drink a way.
The ghost of four ears two capes is evil, suddenly also vacillating from the ghost the devil king under the body of black cloud but, tenth, the ghost that was this type of to once evolve is evil, harsh voice strange whistle, a wave of terrible and ruthlessly oppressive soul pounds at, such as a handle handle have no hard not the sword of the absolute being soul of Cui, keep putting to fly toward get empty Gao of the poison of origin.
"Hey Hey, you this kind of is small I, qualified and Ye a war?"Poisonous origin full face despise, consumedly of say.
Also disappear him to make what action, those emitted to divert from the east Feng rock circle in sky the bore of light smoke, suddenly come together together, became an act debt coagulated by light smoke, give°ed his the body of that palm size to cover.
Tenth, only four ears two capes enhance ghost evil, the soul comes together of wildly fierce impact wave, bump the act debt that the shot is collected by the light smoke at those top, imitated a Buddha to run into the wheat Ji that the wildfire burns, spread the voice of "Pa in the Mao" ring.
The evolution ghost of four ears two capes is evil, the strength of the soul drive burnable, a starts to send out painful of bellow, life of the strength quickly run off.
Good duty!Private in the sky of all eastern sky of Fengs, in the heart in vain come out such a mind, a facial expression deadly pale, secretly rejoice luckily just cooperated give those light smoke also blew concuss walk, otherwise can be closed to by those light smokes oneself, own absolute being soul whether is also originally looked down upon a poisonous eastern superior of Yao Feng of that small pudding shape origin, at this time a heart in shockingly, again see the time toward the poisonous origin, is already a full face scare.
▲Ji ……Ji young master, fruit very person, indeed as expected ordinary people!Can control this kind of ……
This kind of severe living creature ……"easily bend the smiling face ratio on the face to cry good-looking not how much, stammerly clap Ma Pi, however listen to that orotund, he seems also afraid severe.
Ji vast sky full face wry smile, stand hand to easily bend an explanation:"Although his means really ……really that is a little bit cruelty, however, he but incline to ours, so ……everyone need not load cold sweat that wiped to wipe a forehead, easily bend to repeatedly nod, wry smile way:"Do not worry, I not load" little devil is evil, don't send these small I to walk into death, otherwise, you the bitter hard bitterness comes together of small I, will be poisonned to death by all of the Ye."The poisonous ocean ocean of origin is satisfied, annoy to stop and think in the light smoke screen debt over there carefree.
Tenth, only four ears two capes enhance ghost evil, the soul Wu dint coagulates of impact wave, evil the dint is all exhaustions at this time, those tenth, to the east Feng in the sky sky private but speech have no from start of enhance ghost evil, a surrounds by the side of poisonous origin of pudding similar size, it is a Yin to make threatening gestures a ground of action to pour ↓f person, be don't dare to hurtle up and poisonous origin a war.
Being like the poison of origin can far and far respond the ghost devil king's existence general, be the same as different, these ghosts for enhancing are evil, also responded that kind of from the poisonous bodies of origin can let they thoroughly the Mo put out of improbities strength.
They this is fearing!Gao Gao suspends at the east Feng in the sky on of ghost devil king, the eye sees unexpectedly connect to enhance later under charges to all fear not to dare to come forward, that huge body finally such as bird cloud the similar Du slowly descend to sink.
Meanwhile, a row mountain pours sea generally terrible improbity divine power and coagulates to grasp for the huge palm for canning see without the aid of instruments, ruthlessly toward the poison of origin.
"Give me the dying!"The ghost devil king's ice cold voice, change into another motion with soft Yin, equally rush at the poison of origin.
Bomb!If the swollen mountain stream extremely lifts, suddenly the explosion comes out and spreads a burst of to hugely bellow a voice in the sky and only has the poison of the origin of palm size and suddenly break out the Wu of a not inferior to ghost devil king on the body poison strength, an in fine threads can see without the aid of instruments of colourful silk thread, closely floods in the poisonous all directions of origin.
That in fine threads colourful silk thread, such as stars top have no place not at of stars ray, the marvellous strength releases from it, those\&-L line each other doesn't entwine and take poisonous origin as center, is like a Xie hand Be similar to extend toward the all directions.
Just one Sha, then appear another strange thing again in the sky!The poison of the origin of palm size, that small body plank inside imitate a Buddha to contain endless endless silk thread, just the short moment is then thousands thin long silk thread from his body inside flew to divert, flooded in the whole unreal of eastern sky of Feng.
Closely of the silk thread extension open, the poisonous physical volume of origin, already the ghost devil king of not inferior to knoll similar size.
Two kinds of foreign bodies finally start formally crossing swords in the sky!From ghost devil king the huge improbity soul strength collect but become of huge hand, haven't grasped toward the poison of origin, then drive that closely countless tentacle to tie up.
Is pure is coagulated by the improbity soul strength but become of huge hand, as if fall into a huge matchless spider's net, can not flounce the poisonous origin releases of colourful silk thread,beats by dre studio hd, also come out "Chi Chi" light smoke.
"Is all empty, the Ye is putting together dead and his Dou, you also not ability carefree is not?You don't help me now, the Ye dies to let you see!"Almost be become thousand up 100 tentacles to thoroughly drown of the poison of origin, suddenly spread the voice of the pole of You hatred, is like the wife who is abandonned after shifting the love to another person by the husband.
Ji vast sky a foolish, a bit in distress situation in the heart, at random recruit to Long Yao long knife, suddenly a fly blunt sky.
"Son, Lao Tze came!"Ji vast sky shout loudly.
The endless endless guts filled the air to open from Long Yao the long knife, east Feng sky in the sky a while again many moreover together bloody but magnificent scenery line.
The blood wave turns over to stir, the Long Zhui long knife turns into a blood dragon and look up at sky Nu roar, ruthlessly grasp toward that huge ghost devil king.
"Seek dead!"Ghost the cold voice of devil king Yin still just the unreal resound, he that knoll similar huge body, then made a pounce upon a blood dragon, stretched out pallor to have no one silk blood-red color huge hand, unexpectedly press a while at blood Long Shen up.
The blood dragon flies high vacillating, the guts soars, blood simply arousing to shoot unfortunately but always can not flounce ghost devil king that Yin evil ruthlessly oppressive strength bunch.
In the Ji vast sky heart ten cold, immediately realize the strength of a way ruthlessly oppressive improbity, follow and he and the contact of the of blood dragon, suddenly hurtle into own body.
The facial expression is in vain dignified, come from for a sky, the strength of the dollar bead a short moment infuses to note into arms and legs 100 Hais, meanwhile, if the blood inside the body takes off Jiang mustang, also rushes and swerves about madly in the body.
The blood with the Jing blood of saint monster green dragon and Xuan force finally presents strength that is usually different!Even nine temples private in the sky all want a headachy ghost devil king of to evil demolish strength to the ruthlessly oppressive evilness, in his Jin vein skeleton drive the strength of the blood abruptly card at!Simply held up ghost the devil king is that darned strength, make those strength can not break through the defense line of Ji vast sky body and get into the ground of his confident and brain area vital part.
Hao!Look up at sky a Nu Hao, the blood inside the body seethed!Green Long Xuan Wu's dint imitates a Buddha to infuse to note whole body a while and contains in the strength in the Jing blood, the moment is all sparked to set off!The ghost devil king's strength that hurtles into his body, bomb in the impact of green Long Xuan Wu's dint under, unexpectedly and abruptly was compelled.
Chi Chi Chi!Ji vast sky whole body countless pores emit smoke together, thick dense like the black smoke of Mo, the in fine threads outside overflows, black smoke Ji vast sky the whole individual to cover with among them.
"Is easily old!Fire in the sky helps me!"The Ji vast sky suddenly and violently drinks toward the easy spring grounds.
The easy Chi that has already stared at with awe"shivering wake up with a start, right away absolute being soul a fire in the sky fly up the sky and float to concuss to go before the body in the Ji vast sky, those are from he;$Body pore from flew to divert of the thick black smoke , under the incineration of the fire in sky, be quickly concussed by the Di an empty.
Blare!Blare!The ghost devil king imitates if eat a pain, send out astounding sad and shrill bellow, his body next thick dense seethe variety such as black cloud of the liquid ink, unexpectedly and fiercely Ji vast sky Long Yao long knife turn of blood dragon to bind.
The ghost devil king sparing to come, from the sky but decline, a Mo Yao puts out a killing of ground idea and covers with the poison of origin.
His target unexpectedly isn't a Ji vast sky, but the poison of origin that is the same as different!The whole thick black smoke is all burned clean Ji vast sky by fire in the sky, body a loose, although Long Ban is long knife no longer hand, he still has strength can with ghost devil king a war.
However, the eye sees that ghost devil king from the sky but after declining, toward the blunt poisonous origin kill in the past, in the Ji vast sky heart suddenly flash across there are some evil minds in one let their Dou one by one ……
In spite of is a ghost devil king, is still the poison of origin, is all this world the existent different not, poisonous origin so far still be regarded as obedient, but, this kind of equally has the living creature of huge threat to the world, once the words that don't listen to him say to this world, absolutely is disaster!The devil king of the ghost has some a way to deal with, but the poison of origin, he doesn't know to have what weakness up to now!If the poison of ghost devil king and origin can perish together, for this world, will can't be the best result?
The Ji vast sky hesitated ……
"Is all empty, come to help me quickly, the Ye makes uncertain him!"Poisonous origin strange call, closely of the silk thread antenna is similar to swing, the big hand that the dint of the ghost devil king's soul coagulate throw of fly indiscriminately.
Don't go, even if is he in the future have Zan to this world, I can not do this kind of affair, either!Origin of poisonously threaten to plea for help once the voice ring, the Ji vast sky is immediately softhearted, just in the brain the viewpoint of flash across was quickly thrown by him to far away.
"Son, Lao Tze came!"The Ji vast sky greatly drinks.
A multicolored aureole is from the sky but decline, in those marvellous multicolored glories, contain four elephants five lines of of dint, among them, the some multicolored glories heavy star orders a point and unexpectedly still takes the light of stars.
A multicolored aureole falls on a ghost devil king, the multicolored aureole slowly moves by a kind of marvellous track, a kind of born uncannily weaken the dint of dilatoriness to a souls strength.
Fly a poisonous ghost devil king who make a pounce upon the origin, once the huge body surroundings appear multicolored aureole, he immediately has 1 kind the marvellous felling for sinking into moreover a space by himself/herself, his soul even lost the poisonous position of origin a while, he and the contact of the of five lines of mainlands, seem to be also drive that multicolored aureole to abruptly cut off.
The strength of the 100% soul suddenly weakened to leave 70%.
Great void dreamland, from become a world, anyone once falling to into great void dreamland, meeting right away under the influence of the world that is controled by the Ji vast sky, as long as canning not flounce great void dreamland, that the influence of the soul will always exist!Not the ghost devil king Kui is a world to go to bad decide on the spot to the evil huge owlet demon, no longer is target the poisonous origin, all energies are used at break through great void dreamland on.
Being thick and jet black is like the smoke of Mo, suddenly release from his body, a , was full of those in the great void dreamland thick densely turn don't open of smoke.
Cover with ghost the multicolored aureole of devil king's surroundings, constantly go toward outside spread extension, be supported by those smokes of give constantly inflated.
Isn't good!Ji vast sky heart fiercely a tight, his meaning arrives the great void dreamland that hasn't greatly become, still can not imprison a ghost devil king, along with ghost devil king's strength of continuously aggrandizement, the great void dreamland all has the possibility to be supported to explode at any time!The formation of great void dreamland is imitating a physical world, vitality, four elephants, 5 lines, seven star station the strength have to be much similar, everything own such as five lines of physical world existences with similar mainland, among the great void dreamland have to be complete with everything, so as to calculate to make truely perfect don't lack.
In the present great void dreamland, although had the light of stars, but the dint of the sun and moon haven't added among them, the physical world more important world rule has no more born-, the great void dreamland at this time, Be just semi-processed goods, basically can not strength all exertion come out.
Only great void dreamland in four elephant 5 lines, seven stars, and sun and moon...etc. are the whole existence, just have the plants mountain and stream the lake to reflect now, only have Ji vast sky deeply tomorrow rule, just can turn into the alternation of sun moon and stars in the great void dreamland, till that time the great void dreamland just is regarded as to greatly become, even can conceive to be born a life to come out among them!The great void dreamland at that time, five lines of equal to existence with similar mainland, the Ji vast sky at that time, the equal to great void dreamland truely dominates, anyone gets into to want to be controled by Ji vast sky among them and all, his on reading, decide any life and death of living creature!Unfortunately, the dreamland of the great void leaves that state and also has the distance of 108,000 insides now!Therefore, the fluxion Xuan of ghost devil king huge breathing moves and make great void dreamland constantly inflation, come from inside the Ji vast sky body for a sky, the strength of the dollar bead, also start revolving in the shortage maintenance great void dreamland.
"Is all empty, you just whether wanted to let I and was the little devil evil mutual annihilation?You don't deny, can I feel the delicate variety of your idea?"
Even now, the poison of origin ghost devil king that absolute being soul change magically of the huge hand gives decays to eliminate to melt, a pair of similar soybeans small eyes, weirdly stare at to bitterness the bitterness prop up of Ji vast sky, he alas the voice sigh, is also a hesitant shape.
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